This folder contains GUIDANCE_to_produce_final_rev.out, and this README file. * Script: has the following function. Produces new KEGG-specific database files with reversibility information. Preferably takes directionality information from CarveMe, then ModelSEED, then based on manual rules. This information is found in GUIDANCE_to_produce_final_rev.out. * Overview: To use updated reversibilities, once the Architect databases have been created by a run of Architect (Architect sets up default databases for model reconstruction the first time a version of is run), run this python script. See below for more details. * Instructions & further details: Ensure that the default Architect databases have been created already. Run this script in the directory containing the script. Files in 'Original' folder were made with the default reaction reversibilities (a copy of what was originally produced during set-up). By running this script, some of the files in KEGG_universe are modified as per GUIDANCE_to_produce_final_rev.out. To revert to the original reversibilities, simply remove the files you have copied over in KEGG_universe, and copy over the files from 'Original'.